How to plan events more sustainably

As sustainability continues to emerge as a prominent topic in our professional values, corporations have the responsibility to reconsider key aspects of event planning for conferences and other corporate events to align with goals that help protect our homes. With the growth in demand for sustainable action, it is imperative that change be taken during event planning, reducing a corporation’s carbon footprint. Recognizing gaps and displaying transparency in ways you can improve your events can help you implement sustainability into your corporate culture and reduce your footprint.

What is a sustainable event?

According to the United Nations’ Sustainable Events Guide, a sustainable event is “designed, organized and implemented in a way that minimizes potential negative impacts and leaves a beneficial legacy for the host community and all involved” (UNFCCC). Corporate events, more specifically larger ones, are major contributors to companies’ carbon footprint. Everything from travel and accommodation to catering and waste creates impact on carbon emission, making events a key opportunity for companies to reduce their footprint. Planning committees can shape not only their own companies’ footprints, moreover influence other companies’ decision making.

Ways to make your event more sustainable:

  1. Assess the footprint of your previous events:

Recognizing where improvements can be made is a crucial step in planning a sustainable event. If this is the first event you plan to make a conscious effort towards sustainability, consider past events or similar events by others, observing the aspects that contribute towards increased carbon emissions. For example, consider food waste as a result of ordering excessive food disproportionate to your attendee’s preferences. If you need support on calculating your event footprint contact us.

2. Incorporate the 3 R’s into the practices of your event:

Reduce, reuse, recycle. Find actionable ways to integrate these into your conference design. Recycle paper products, reuse decorations or encourage reusable utensils individuals can bring from home and reduce water use or food waste. Analyze each component of your event, and recognize any potential changes that realistically can improve your footprint.

3. Diminish food waste to the best of your ability:

Globally, one-third or 1.4 billions tons of the food that is produced for our consumption is wasted yearly. Composting leftover food is important, however understanding the right amount of food that will accommodate your attendee’s preferences will ensure minimal food waste.

4. Offer more sustainable travel options:

Offer more sustainable travel options: According to Bsales, in 95% of cases, travel accounts for more than 80% of your company’s footprint. First, an event can be held locally so travel through planes could be reduced to trains or cars. Another alternative is to offset the carbon emissions using Footprint Events & Stays. Individuals can book their travel, whether it be for work or vacation, in a sustainable manner. Whether it be finding sustainable travel alternatives or finding sustainability projects to compensate as a way to offset emissions caused by your travel. Footprint Events & Stays helps you organize everything from your plane, your stay and even your bus rides around the city while being sustainably conscious to reduce your footprint.

5. Turn to purchasing fair trade products:

Fairtrade is a certification of ethical food production. Many Fairtrade partners use their premium to invest into different environmental causes, more specifically deforestation. Restoring forests through planting trees indirectly decreases your carbon footprint by capturing carbon dioxide. Not only does this solution create sustainable impact, additionally it supports positive social impact through ethical work conditions for workers.

6. Use plastic-free cutlery and products:

Plastic has an incredibly lengthy disintegration process, and it can take centuries to naturally decompose. Therefore, try using biodegradable disposable utensils that could reduce the use of plastic. To take it a step further, encourage attendees to bring their own reusable plates and cutlery to minimize any utensil waste.

7. Eliminate any paper products that are not necessary:

With the rise of technology, the use of printed material is impractical. Especially given the interactive nature of apps and websites, switching to tech-based streams of communication and interaction is more productive and green. However, situations may arise that there are no alternatives to paper; in these cases, ensure there is a recycling station and that attendees are aware of it.

8. Locally source products for food, beverage or even event set up supplies:

Choose suppliers that source locally and focus efforts on sustainability. This way not only is footprint decreased through less transportation and manufacturing, you are also sourcing more fresh and organic foods while helping the local economy.

9. If possible, discuss opportunities in virtual or hybrid event options:

To significantly decrease your footprint, as well as open opportunities to more flexible accommodation and less financial pressures, a good option is to see if your event can be transferred online into a virtual or hybrid type of event.

10. Find sustainability topics that can be used for educational use:

Communicate with attendees to learn about a sustainability topic with peak interest or that aligns with your companies’ mission and delegate a portion of your event to discuss it and find ways to alleviate environmental inequities within your community.


David Jaber on “How can businesses drive positive environmental impact”


Jessica Ferrow | Driving sustainability strategy and communication