How fireworks impact the environment and human health

Footprint Futures - Explore sustainable futures.

Footprint Futures - Explore sustainable futures.

Learn about the intersection of climate carbon emissions and fireworks during New Years Eve. We are getting closer to the end of the year - a good time to reflect on our behaviour for the end of the year celebrations and make more sustainable choices.

🧨 What is the role of fireworks in context of climate change?

Human contribution towards air pollution is rapidly increasing every passing year due to less sustainable practices. One example of such practices is the rise in air pollution level due to extensive firework related emissions. Celebrating New Year’s Eve and Independence festivals at global level introduce tremendous number of fine particles mainly PM10, smoke, carbon monoxide CO and metals into the air which decline the air quality to much extent. Since the industrial revolution anthropogenic activities have reduced the air quality due to the introduction of excessive greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, NOX) into the atmosphere.

Climate change, global warming, wildfires and the habitat destruction are the consequences of these activities we witness today. On the other hand, people like to start the new year with the bang of firework display while most of them don’t even realize the environmental impact of this timely fun activity. Some school of thought argue that we burn millions of barrels of oil at daily basis for energy production and transportation and degrade the air quality to unpresidential levels, what difference does it make if people contribute a little every once a year through firework displays in New Year’s Eve.

However, the impacts of firework on environment, air quality and human health must not be ignored because the emissions also contribute to climate change thus addressing a global concern.

🧪 How does chemistry affect the environment?

To begin with let’s first discuss the chemistry of fireworks in order to understand how they impact the environment. The primary constituent of firework are the perchlorates and chlorate that acts as oxidizers [1]. Similarly, metals like Barium, 75% potassium nitrate, 15% carbon and 10% sulfur are used as material in firework manufacturing, making it highly flammable. These strong oxidizing agents especially the potassium nitrate when burnt produce emit large quantity of SO2 and CO2 into the air [2].

👩🏽‍⚕️ Are there any affects on the human health?

Mass scale fireworks on New Year’s Eve have a huge impact on human health by deteriorating the air quality we breath. For instance, the inhalation of fine particles especially the PM10 and hazardous smoke filled with metal particles produced as a result of firework can lead to respiratory diseases like asthma.

Similarly studies also conclude that the reason fine particles produced from firework displays are so dangerous is that they remain in the air for much longer time in the form of suspended particulates as a result they are equally harmful for the health of chronic asthma patients, pregnant women and children [3]. When the air containing PM10 fine particles is inhaled, it can lead to severe coughing, sneezing and wheezing issues thus causing severe respiratory issues. Sulphur dioxide SO2, NO2 and PM10 coming out of firework smoke are of high concern as they are potentially harmful for human health because of their ability to block the respiratory passages.

💨 So, what are the exact effect for the environment?

Studies conclude that during the New Year Eve celebration and Diwali festival in India the concentration of smoke and metals trace in the air remain higher for longest time. One study predicts that the air pollution caused by fireworks on Diwali festival in India is much worse than the average air pollution produced in the Beijing city on a bad day. The primary impact of firework emissions is on the air quality. Due to extensive firework display the gases produced as a result of perchlorate burning can degrade the air quality to unpresidential levels. For instance, the particulate matter PM10 produced from firework can easily be taken away through wind from one area to the other thus it is not just a local concern. According to Federal Environmental Agency, in 2016 firework produced about 5000 tons of PM10 in Germany and this concentration equals about 17% of annual vehicular particulate emissions [4].

The concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have already risen to levels that were not recording across the history of the planet, and the firework emissions PM10, traces of metals and smoke can make the situation worse thus is a contributing factor in global climate change even for short period of time. When air quality degrades due to the high introduction of CO2 and SO2 climatic changes can be expected. Moreover, another downside is that firework smoke makes the air toxic for breathing because of toxic metal particles and the worst thing is some of these particles never fully degrade or decompose resultantly they remain suspended in air for a long time.

🌿 Why does it contribute to climate change?

Sulphur dioxide SO2 and Oxides of Nitrogen NOx are the primary gases released from firework activity. These two gases lead to acid rain when get mixed with water vapors in the atmosphere. Thus, due to extreme acid rain, the weather and precipitation patterns are highly disturbed which can impact the ecosystem stability, land and water ambient properties resultantly changing the climate dynamics of the region. A heavy concentration of these gases also leads to wildfire that can jeopardize the survival of wild species on a large scale.

🌱 What are eco-friendly fireworks?

Firework display is the best way to celebrate New Year’s Eve and other festivals worldwide and this trend is rapidly increasing every passing year. This means that sustainable firework options must be considered at this time to reduce the environmental impacts of traditional firework that people use. Luckily eco-friendly firework options are developed to reduce the amount of environmental pollution. In sustainable fireworks instead of using perchlorates which is a highly flammable and dangerous oxidizer, nitrogen fuel based clean burning source is used [6]. The smoke produced from such eco-friendly fireworks is comparatively very low and moreover the quantity of the metals in such fireworks is also reduced to safe levels. Similarly, white colored fireworks are considered more environmentally friendly than others as they contain fewer harmful chemicals. Another sustainable firework alternative and potentially an eco-friendly practice is to encourage people to celebrate New Year Eve in large gathering instead of arranging private firework displays [7]. As gathering at one bigger place with lots of people will result in fewer emissions than private firework events.

✌️ Hope you liked the article!

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  1. Our prettiest pollutant: just how bad are fireworks for the environment? The Conversation. (2020). Retrieved 18 December 2020, from

  2. Ravindra, K., Mor, S., & Kaushik, C. (2003). Short-term variation in air quality associated with firework events: A case study. Journal Of Environmental Monitoring, 5(2), 260-264.

  3. What are the health effects of using fireworks/firecrackers? | Department of Health website. (2020). Retrieved 18 December 2020, from,%2C%20rhinitis%2C%20pneumonia%20and%20laryngitis

  4.  (, D. (2020). New Year's Eve: Are fireworks harming the environment? | DW | 29.12.2017. DW.COM. Retrieved 19 December 2020, from

  5. Air pollution surges amid New Year fireworks - China - (2020). Retrieved 20 December 2020, from

  6. science, E. (2020). Do eco-friendly fireworks exist?. BBC Science Focus Magazine. Retrieved 20 December 2020, from

  7. 6 harsh truths about how Bonfire Night is bad news for the environment. Country Living. (2020). Retrieved 20 December 2020, from


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